
"We're a Rock N Roll Band"

Grace Potter had me at "We're a rock and roll band." Truest statement ever.

I'm only labeling GPN as hipster shit bc not enough people know about them. I'm also labeling them as non hipster shit because more people should know about them. They are my favorite band at this exact moment. And I realize and accept the full boldness of this statement. You can fucking notarize it. Grace has the most brilliant vocals I have ever heard and I read about her in Rolling Stone and she is my idol and if I met her I would cry. For real. I like GPN more than anyone other band at this exact space and time in this world and I can't believe I didn't write about them first.

This is gonna be a long post mmk?

If every hair on your arm doesn't stand up from the 2:50 mark until the end of this next song, you're an idiot and I hate you.


1 comment:

  1. Disney's "Sing It: Party Hits" karaoke game for Wii includes "When Love Takes Over" by Grace Potter, wouldn't you now classify her as "borderline rock and roll"?
